August 1, 2012

Wooden Utensil and Dinnerware Care

For many, many centuries wood has been used for making wooden utensils. The general care differs from the care of metal or plastic utensils. Never soak them in water because  wood expands. It is very easy to keep them looking new. Below are a few simple rules for care.

Fill sink with enough very warm water with 1 teaspoon to cover utensils. Then add them to water. Scrub them with a scrubby pad. Rinse well.

To Sanitize
Sanitize them from time to time by washing  as above. Lay them on a flat surface. I use a 9x13 glass cake pan. Pour hydrogen peroxide over them and let stand a few minutes. Next, wash with very warm soapy water. Let dry.
Sanitizing them often fights bacteria that gets stuck in crevasses.

Prolong Life
Oil once a month with food grade mineral oil. Let fully dry.

Tips ~

Follow the above steps for new wooden utensils.

Hanging utensils to dry is the most efficient way of drying them but, not always applicable.

Clean your wooden spoons well after every use.

It is easiest to clean wooden spoons if you do it immediately after use, before food has time to dry on them.

If spoons develop a musty odor, clean them well with dish soap and a teaspoon of baking soda added to the dishwater.

Avoid using wooden spoons to stir raw meats (including eggs) or other foods that are common sources of food poisoning. Bacteria may get into tiny cracks in the spoon and multiply.

Do not clean wooden spoons in the dishwasher. The heat can cause the spoons to warp or crack.

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